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What to Expect

Our Promise

To provide exceptional and compassionate veterinary services by utilizing the highest standards of medicine along with unparalleled client services with a foundation based on a positive work culture with exceptional team members.

Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible but are grateful for your understanding as your animal will be treated with the same urgency and compassion if they are ever in need of emergency attention.


When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly, and we’ll usher you into an examination room after checking in your pet and obtaining an accurate weight.

Pet Medical History

In most cases, one of our veterinary technicians will start by asking about your pet’s medical history, current condition and the reason for your visit while gathering data for the doctor. They will collect any additional new client paperwork that is needed as well as obtain any records that were not previously emailed prior to your appointment.

Pre-Exam Vitals

Full vitals will be taken by the veterinary technician prior to the doctor performing her examination in most cases.


Our Veterinarian will perform a nose-to-tail, ears to toes examination. At this time, our veterinarian will recommend any additional needed diagnostics. Communication is very important to us so we welcome you to ask questions at any time before, during, or after your visit to make sure you are completely comfortable with the information provided.


We will collect any samples needed and perform the diagnostics tests that were agreed upon, which can usually all be done in hospital. Once complete, the doctor will then go over all of the results with you to help formulate the appropriate treatment plan for you and your beloved pet.

Follow Up Care

Our veterinary technician will come back to wrap things up and will provide you with helpful pet care information and answer wellness and care questions for you. Our team will then process your payment and schedule any needed follow up at this time.